
'Για μια ζωή μαζί'
('For a life together')
Dance version with Greek lyrics of 'Ne partez pas sans moi', the 1988 winning Eurovision song performed by Celine Dion for Switzerland
A dance arrangement of one of the best Eurovision songs and a total classic. Greek lyrics by Vicky Yannoula.
A prolific and trusted arranger of many of Beethoven’s works, Carl Czerny creates fascinating and faithful versions of these popular works that display the impressive virtuosic and orchestral range and capabilities of the instrument.
Vicky Yannoula & George-Emmanuel Lazaridis record two of Beethoven’s best-known works – the first and fifth symphonies.
Much of Shostakovich’s orchestral music was first heard in versions he prepared for piano four hands or two pianos – but most of these transcriptions have languished unheard since those early performances. This recording uncovers transcriptions prepared by Shostakovich himself, coupling them with his original music for piano duo and duet.
Vicky Yannoula and Jakob Fichert, piano duo, piano duet